Information about Project in English language

Puławy, 07.12.2015 r.

  INFORMATION BROCHURE „How to stop family violence”

Thanks to Norwegian Funds 2009 – 2014 and funds owned by Puławy City, within the frame of Project „I am aware, I know and I can stop violence”, implemented by Municipal Social Welfare Centre in Puławy, the information brochure was Publisher.

The publication will be disseminating among Puławy inhabitants by institutions and organizations involved in stopping family violence process.

The information brochure describes problem of family violence in many different aspects. It shows the institutional support available in Puławy and competences of institutions and organizations in respect to support people – both – using and experiencing violence. It describes also project activities.


Puławy, 03.08.2015 r.

Group therapy for people experiencing domestic violence

On 28th of July 2015 there was the last Project „I know, I can, I can prevent violence” meeting.

It was another stage of overcoming a situation of domestic violence with the help of a psychologist and professional support of group participants.

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Puławy, 18.05.2015 r.

  Training for the members of the services and institutions preventing domestic violence

In March and April there were a series of training for the members of services, and institutions preventing domestic violence in our city.

There were 86 participants, the representatives of: social assistance, police, education, healthcare, court and Municipal Committee on Solving Alcohol Problems.

The main purpose of the training was practicing professional skills that are needed to work in an interdisciplinary trend with the phenomenon of domestic violence. Participants gained psychological and legal knowledge, thanks to which they can help people more effectively.

Training „Working groups in practice”

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Training „Help to abused child”

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Training „Strategies of help for adults experiencing violence”

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Training „Strategies for dealing with people using violence”

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Puławy, 20.04.2015 r.

  Study visit

On days of 12 – 15 April a study visit was held in Vienna, coordinated by the Council of Europe, the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of Poland and WAVE.

The visit was one of the activities planned in the Pre-defined project „Polish family – free from violence” implemented under Norway Grants Programme PL14 – Domestic and Gender – based Violence, Programme Area 29.

Maria Piastowicz – Director of the social Welfare Centre in Puławy and Anna Górzyńska – domestic violence prevention expert, Project coordinator „I am aware, I know how, and I can stop violence” attended the Study visit on effective multi – agency do – operation to prevent and combat domestic violence and gender – based violence.


Puławy, 18.03.2015 r.

  Educational and correctional program for men using violence

On 17th of March 2015 there was a first meeting of Educational and correctional program for men using violence. The meetings will take place once a week for 6 moths.

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Puławy, 11.03.2015 r.

  Group therapy for women experencing violence

On 10th of March 2015 there was a first meeting of group therapy for women experiencing violence. They were recruited from the participants of support groups. The meetings will take place once a week for six months.

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Puławy, 02.03.2015 r.

  Soft skills training addressed to men using violence

20, 24 and 25 February 2015 there was soft skills training adddressed to men using violence (24 teaching hours). It was first group meeting. Participants had possibility to know each other and start common work, which would be continue during next months within remedial and educational programme.

Three days workshop received positive opinion from participants and it was encouragement to future participation in the project.

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Puławy, 22.01.2014 r.

  Indywidual psychological support

Since January 2015 there have been indywidual psychological support for men participating in remedial and educational programme. Individual psychological support will cover two hours a month for each participant depending on individual needs (January – September 2015).

 Puławy, 05.12.2014 r.

 Meeting with project participants

Project realizators iniciated the meeting of project participants – violence victims women. The meeting was organized to evaluate past activities and to discuss about future ones, planned for 2015.

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 Puławy, 03.12.2014 r.

 Soft skills training for violence viccims women

The next activity dedicated to violence victims women is done.

Those three days were really intensive and exhausting, but also – we hope – inspiring for the future work, for the faith in women’s skills and abilities.

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 Puławy, 20.10.2014 r.

 Current events within the Project „I am, I know how, and I can stop violence”

  • Since September there have been meetings of support groups for women suffering from violence. They are addressed to women from Puławy  

There are 16 participants (two groups of 8 persons each). This support is conducted by Mrs Bożena Małek – higher-rank social worker specialist. Meetings take place once a week for 90 minutes each group. They will be organized until the end of October this year.

The programme for this meetings includes elements of psychological education and non-violence communication.

Support groups are an initial stage of the planned activities with this group of beneficiaries.

Participation in the support group will enable women to express their own opinions and feelings, they will upgrade their self esteem and causative abilities, their faith in their own skills and abilities to manage their own life will grow.

  • The recruitment process is still open for men to be covered by individual psychological support and remedial and educational programme.

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Norway Project: „I am aware, I know how, and I can stop violence”

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